Available Oil Paintings

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This oil painting shows bright pink peonies on a yellow background from Caprice's Mom's garden

Kudos to Mom

16″X20″, unframed
oil on canvas
$925.00 CDN

this painting is of a mountain view with an alpine lake and trees in the foreground. The mountain is blue, pink and purple; the lake is aqua coloured and the trees are dark green with highlights.

Mountain Air

10″X8″, unframed
oil on canvas
$250.00 CDN

This painting is a of trees with a mountain view above Island Lake. The sun is hit the middle mountain peak. There is snow on the mountains.

Above Island Lake

24″X36″, unframed
oil on canvas
$2500.00 CDN

A view of Mount Nelson in golden the golden hours as seen from a sparse alpine forest.

Before Sunset

16″X20″, unframed
oil on canvas
$925.00 CDN

Arbutus trees with bold orange, red, and brown brush strokes. Yellow eild flowers with grass in the foreground, and evergreen trees in the background.

Arbutus Trees

27″X40″, unframed
oil on canvas


30″X20″, unframed
oil on canvas
$1800.00 CDN

Rushing river bordered by large rocks with purple highlights. The background is a dense evergreen forest with sparse yellow larches.

Kootenay River

9″X12″, unframed
oil on canvas
$325.00 CDN

Abstract painting resembling rocky landscape with an evergreen forest above. Bold, blocky brush strokes of various colours with accents of red, beige and brown.


8″X10″, unframed
oil on canvas
$250.00 CDN

Abstract painting resembling a rocky alpine meadow featuring bold and blocky grey, purple and white with green and orange highlights.

Alpine Abstraction

14″X18″, unframed
oil on canvas
$750.00 CDN

Caprice’s original oil paintings are sold EXCLUSIVELY from Caprice Fine Art & Co Studio Gallery in Kimberley, British Columbia. 

Repeat customers receive a 10% discount on all original works of art. 

FREE shipping in western Canada! Please email for a shipping quote to other parts of North America. Painting price includes applicable taxes.

To view original works, studio appointments are available. 

Caprice does commissioned paintings. Please refer to the commissions page for more information. 

If you have any questions or require further information please contact the artist directly via email

“Caprice’s paintings are poignant and full of life.”